604: Long Term Investing Through Short Term Volatility
Long and Short Term Investing I've always enjoyed investing but one downside of watching markets closely is that it's easy to get spooked (Halloween reference!). And yes I've been spooked before. I started investing right before the Dot Com Crash, and I was really active during the GFC. I made some good moves but in both cases I ended up making long term moves based on short term spookiness. Yes, 2 years can be called short term. To be fair, if you invested during the tech bubble and the credit crisis, you will remember that it was very, very spooky. The other factors were: I didn't have a lot of extra money, so I felt like I was losing money that I needed. I was paying close attention to a few writers who were confident that markets would stay down, or retest lows, or [fill in the blank with smart sounding reason to worry]. I didn't distinguish between Long and Short Term positions. I got outright bearish and tried to make money going short, and failed, which only...